What are Java System Properties?
Java System Properties are command line arguments that are provided to a Java application. They are identified by a -D
. If you run the command java -jar myprogram.jar -Dsomeproperty=somevalue
, you are setting the value of someproperty
to somevalue
for the application.
Find uses Java System Properties to configure some runtime settings.
Find Java System Properties
- Path to the “home” directory for Find to store config files and logs in, e.g-Dhp.find.home=/opt/find/home
, or-Dhp.find.home=C:\HPE\Find
. Have a look at [[Home-directory]] for details on how to create the home directory.
- The port to run Find on (defaults to 8080).server.session.timeout
- The session timeout in seconds (defaults to 3600).hp.find.enableBi
- Property to control BI functionality. Set this to false to disable BI functionality for all users (defaults to true). This will disable database creation or prevent access to an existing database.
Find uses a relational database to store users’ saved searches. By default, this is an embedded H2 database which persists data to disk in the Find home directory. The application runs schema migration scripts on connection using Flyway. You can use the system properties in this section to configure Find to connect to an external database to allow the application to be clustered.
- A JDBC URL for the database, eg “jdbc:mariadb://my-maria-db:3306/find”. The Find jar is built with H2 and MariaDB/MySQL connectors included. The application uses a database/schema called “find” which it will attempt to create if running the automatic migration scripts.spring.datasource.username
- Database username. Must have access to the “find” database or permission to create it.spring.datasource.password
- Database user password.flyway.enabled
- Set to false to disable automatic schema migration. Automatic migration may not be desirable in a clustered deployment.spring.datasource.platform
- If Flyway is enabled, this is used to choose which migration script dialect to use. Can be “h2” (the default) or “mysql”.
- possible values areINMEMORY
(which is the default) orREDIS
. We’ve not documented how to use Find with Redis yet, so ignore this for now.
HTTP Proxy Configuration
- the hostname of the proxy server that Find needs to use to contact havenondemand.com over HTTPS, e.gproxy.corp.example.com
- the port that the proxy server specified infind.https.proxyHost
uses for proxy requests, e.g.8080