Configuring Find for IDOL

End-user search interface for Haven OnDemand and Micro Focus IDOL

Getting Started

  • First, follow the [[Building Find]] guide
  • Then, follow either the [[Running a Development Copy of Find]] or [[Running a Production Copy of Find]] guide, depending on what you’re trying to do.

You should now have a file called config.json in your Find home directory.

By default, it’s going to look a lot like this:

  "login" : {
    "name" : "CommunityAuthentication",
    "defaultLogin" : {
      "username" : "admin",
      "password" : "s0m3r4nd0mp455w0rd"
    "community" : {
      "protocol" : "HTTP",
      "host" : "find-backend",
      "port" : 9030
    "method" : "autonomy"
  "content" : {
    "protocol" : "HTTP",
    "host" : "find-idol",
    "port" : 9000
  "queryManipulation" : {
    "server" : {
      "protocol" : "HTTP",
      "host" : "find-idol",
      "port" : 16000
    "expandQuery" : true,
    "blacklist" : "ISO_BLACKLIST",
    "enabled" : true
  "view" : {
    "referenceField" : "DREREFERENCE",
    "host" : "find-idol",
    "protocol" : "HTTP",
    "port" : 9080

Goodness me, that looks complicated. Where do we even start..?

You need to understand JSON

JSON is quite a nice format, but it doesn’t allow comments. Spend a bit of time reading if you’ve not used JSON before.

In this guide, I will use path notation to reference bits of the config file. For example, if we had a JSON config that looked like this:

  "someobject": {
    "somesetting": "SOMESTRING"

then I will say that the value of someobject.somesetting is currently "SOMESTRING".

What’s in the Config file, anyway?

The config file for Find for IDOL contains four sections:

  • login - authentication settings
  • content - details of the IDOL Content server
  • queryManipulation - details of the IDOL QMS server
  • view - details of the IDOL View server


The login section

This section is used for configuring the connection to the IDOL Community server used for authentication.

Ignore, and login.defaultLogin for the moment. These are reserved for future use.

Configure the following settings:

  • - either HTTP or HTTPS, depending on how your IDOL Community server is configured.
  • - the hostname of your IDOL Community server, e.g.
  • - the port that your IDOL Community server is running on, e.g. 9030
  • login.method - the security repository to read the user from (see the IDOL documentation), e.g. autonomy for built-in users.

The content section

This section is used for configuring the connection to the IDOL Content server used for querying.

Configure the following settings:

  • content.protocol - either HTTP or HTTPS, depending on how your IDOL Content server is configured.
  • - the hostname of your IDOL Content server, e.g.
  • content.port - the port that your IDOL Content server is running on, e.g. 9000

The queryManipulation section

This section is used for configuring the connection to the IDOL Query Manipulation Service server. This is optional and can be disabled.

For the time being, ignore the queryManipulation.expandQuery and queryManipulation.blacklist settings.

Configure the following settings:

  • queryManipulation.server.protocol - either HTTP or HTTPS, depending on how your IDOL QMS server is configured.
  • - the hostname of your IDOL QMS server, e.g.
  • queryManipulation.server.port - the port that your IDOL QMS server is running on, e.g. 16000
  • queryManipulation.enabled - set this to true to use QMS, or false to disable QMS entirely. If this is disabled, queries will be sent directly to the Content server configured in the content section of the config. No other QMS settings need to be set if this is set to false.

The view section

This section is used for configuring the connection to the IDOL View server used for near-native document viewing.

Configure the following settings:

  • view.protocol - either HTTP or HTTPS, depending on how your IDOL View server is configured.
  • - the hostname of your IDOL View server, e.g.
  • view.port - the port that your IDOL View server is running on, e.g. 9080
  • view.referenceField - the field in the IDOL document to use as a reference when sending action=view to Viewserver, e.g. URL, DREREFERENCE, or FILE_PATH.

Restart Find

Having changed your config file, you absolutely must restart the Find web application for the changes to take effect.