
End-user search interface for Haven OnDemand and Micro Focus IDOL

What is it?

HPE Find includes a Vagrant file, which will provision an Ubuntu 12.04 VM running a Redis server for storing user sessions.

The Vagrantfile requires several plugins, which will be installed automatically if they are not installed already.


  • The VM has the IP address
  • One of the Vagrant plugins will set up a local DNS entry in your hosts file with the hostname hp-find-backend.
  • The Redis runs on port 6379.

Do I need this?

Only if you’re testing a distributed version of Find. If you’re using INMEMORY session storage (see: [[Find Java System Properties]]) then you won’t need the Redis. If you’re using REDIS session storage, you will want to use this.

Do not use the Vagrant VM for production instances of Find. This is a development tool and should only be used in your development environment.