Running a Production Copy of Find

End-user search interface for Haven OnDemand and Micro Focus IDOL

Getting Started

So you’ve made some changes to Find and want to deploy them. This is the page for you!

You need to understand that before you start the Find webapp, you need to choose whether you want to run it against HPE IDOL or Haven OnDemand.

Building Find

Follow the steps on the [[Building Find]] guide to compile your copy of the application. Choose one of the output files mentioned at the end of the guide - either find-hod.war for Haven OnDemand, or find.war for IDOL. Take a copy of the .war file - this is the application that you’re going to run

When building, you should specify the Maven production profile with -Pproduction to run the JavaScript and CSS optimizations.

Run the application

You will need to create a home directory for Find - have a look at [[Home-directory]].

Easy way

From a command prompt, run:

java -jar find.war -Dhp.find.home=<path_to_find_home_directory>.

Better way

TODO document how to use the startup scripts that we’ve written.

Step Three: Open Find in your web browser

  • Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and you should see Find. A config file has been generated in the Find home directory that you specified on the command line.

You now want to read either [[Configuring Find for IDOL]] or [[Configuring Find for Haven OnDemand]] to get Find configured.