Notes on how to run Find from JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate edition.
IntelliJ 14 Ultimate
Run Configuration for IDOL
- Create a new Run/Debug Configuration of the
Spring Boot
type - The Main class is
- VM options are
(see [[Find Java System Properties]] for other optional settings) - “Use classpath of module” should be set to
You’ll then want to have a look at [[Configuring Find for IDOL]].
Run Configuration for Haven OnDemand
- Create a new Run/Debug Configuration of the
Spring Boot
type - The Main class is
- VM options are:
-Dhp.find.home=<path_to_find_home_directory> -Dfind.iod.api= -Dfind.hod.sso=
(see [[Find Java System Properties]] for other optional settings) - “Use classpath of module” should be set to
You’ll then want to have a look at [[Configuring Find for Haven OnDemand]].