Building Find

End-user search interface for Haven OnDemand and Micro Focus IDOL


Building Find requires the following to be installed:

Get the code

First, we use Git to clone Find from GitHub. From your command line (hint: Git Bash is better than the Windows Command Prompt), run:

git clone

By default, this will create a folder called find with the master branch checked out. Inside this folder will be a webapp directory containing the Maven project.

Change your current directory to be the new webapp folder:

cd find/webapp

Store the Git Commit Hash

Find uses the Git commit hash as a “cache-buster” - all static files (CSS, JavaScript, HTML templates, etc) are “stamped” with the Git Commit hash as part of the build process. This means that with every new build, all the file names (apart from index.html - the entry point to the application) change. This is to make sure that browsers don’t use old, cached versions of the code.

We need to get the Git commit hash and pass it to Maven.

git rev-parse --short HEAD will give you the hash of the latest commit on your current branch.

From Bash, run the following command:

GIT_COMMIT=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`

You can check that this worked by running echo $GIT_COMMIT - this should print out the hash.

Build the Application

Run the following command:

mvn package -pl <module> -am -Dapplication.buildNumber=$GIT_COMMIT

where is either "idol" or "hod" depending on the version of Find you're interested in.

($GIT_COMMIT assumes that you followed the steps in the “Store the Git Commit Hash” section and chose to call your variable GIT_COMMIT)

You should see lots of scrolling text, followed by a large BUILD SUCCESS message. This might take a few minutes!

If this doesn’t work, check that you’ve installed everything correctly:

  • mvn -version should give you a version higher than 3 (e.g. “3.2.3”)
  • java -version should give you a version higher than 1.8.0 (e.g. “1.8.0_65”)
  • node -v should give you a version higher than 0.12 (e.g. “v0.12.0”)

Output Files

  • hod/target/find-hod.war - this is a build of Find with the Haven OnDemand modules included. Use this if you want to run Find against Haven OnDemand
  • idol/target/find.war - this is a build of Find with the HPE IDOL modules included. Use this if you want to run Find against HPE IDOL (note: this only works with IDOL 10 - IDOL 7 is not supported).
  • on-prem-dist/target/find-*.zip - this is a zip archive containing the IDOL build of Find (find.war) and some scripts for running Find as a service. You probably don’t want to use this - just ignore it.

Build Profiles

To optimize the JavaScript and CSS resources, run Maven with the production profile, like so:

mvn package -Pproduction